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Sustainable management is about being clear about what the intentions are and what is being done to increase sustainability, both towards staff, consumers and the public. It is also about taking into account how different decisions affect the possibilities for long-term sustainable development.


Participation is about letting everyone who is affected by the company's operations have a say and taking their opinions into account in important decisions, for example staff, suppliers and customers or nearby residents and the local community. It is also about the opportunity for all stakeholders to express opinions about the business and to resolve conflicts with the stakeholders in dialogue.

Agenda 2030

Åkulla Outdoor Resort strives for sustainability in all three dimensions of sustainability; ecological, economic and social sustainability. The work is based on the UN's global goals and is applied departmentally to our housing, activities and the food we serve so that the entire company is characterized by our sustainability work.


In fact, we work directly or indirectly with most of the UN's Agenda 2030 goals. With the help of the tool the sustainability flower, it is broken down via management level to the entire company. If you want to read more about the tool, you can do this

Part of what we do today



The food


We heat our larger buildings with pellets that are renewable. Solar panels have been installed on the new hotel section. The ventilation can be regulated per room, which reduces energy supply. We and our guests sort at source. Charging points for electric cars.

We cook from scratch with ingredients that are mostly organic, KRAV-labelled and locally grown. We strive to reduce our food waste. That's why the menus are designed so that leftovers are taken care of, offer a lunchbox if you can't bear to eat, serve on a plate with the possibility of backing.

The WWF Food Guide is used in our menu planning to minimize

climate impact, where, for example, venison is a green-listed meat.

We also work with WWF's One Planet Plate , where we prepare dishes with little CO2 per plate, which benefits biodiversity.

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Crane marked

Sustainable use of forest and land through collaboration with landowners, local associations and the municipality of Varberg. We are happy to have partners who have locally produced products with a focus on sustainability, such as Maria Åkerberg shampoo, Sjö och Hav, and choose our range of activities so that our impact on the environment is as small as possible. 



We work for a sustainable working situation with a balance between work and leisure. We measure and follow up this regularly together with our employees. We have drawn up a wellness and health policy. All employees are trained in sustainability in collaboration with Region Halland.


Collective agreement via Visita. Visita is the trade and employer organization for the Swedish hospitality industry.


The facility is a Kranmarkt operation, which means we use tap water instead of bottled water. Because bottled water requires 300 times more energy and is 250 times more expensive. We encourage guests to fill their own water bottles.


We save water by irrigating with water from the lake.

We have a so-called green lease agreement with the property owner Varbergs Fastighets AB. The agreement functions as a platform for cooperation in matters relating to energy, indoor environment, material selection and waste management.

Read more about Varbergs Fastighets AB's sustainability work.



We take social, economic and environmental responsibility and work long-term.
We listen to our guests, to each other and to our partners.
We have a desire to contribute to a better society and take responsibility for the future

We care about nature, the guest and each other.
Caring gives us energy, we support each other and set boundaries.

We respect everyone's equal value and see different opinions and points of view as an important part of our development, creativity and innovation.



We are located in the middle of nature. We are easy to work with, we are clear to each other and others.

It's easy to book with us and we have generous opening hours.
It should be easy for everyone to live, eat and experience.


We are there for each other and see our skills and experience as complementary.
We always deliver our services and products with great accuracy and professionalism.

We provide our guests with good hospitality

Our sustainability work


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